Saturday, April 25, 2009

ARWAV, By E.M Forster

The Movie was like the novel, but unlike the older version it had changes and went a bit faster. I can see why, because to fit in a hour or so of a novel can be hard, but i believe that they pulled it off. The characters were not as built up as in the novel but they were very comical. It is a quick passed movie and it was good. I very much liked the actors picked for the parts and thought they did a nice job and i liked the wonderful costumes. It was not my absolute favorite but it was entertaining and very well done. And also a bit sad, the way they altered the ending.... I never knew that they could do that...



  1. Was EM a homosexual? Not in a bigoted way, but was he?

  2. Yes. I was reading the intro to the book when I found out. Any way, Bostan, I can't believe they changed the ending! That is like illegal!! (Not really but it should be.) Oh well. I will have to watch it when I come out to see you.

  3. Yes we will have to.

    Was he really??? THats strang.

  4. I know! U was reading the intro to the book and BOOM! it just came out and said he was a homosexual!
